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“Children are not problems. They have problems. Focus on helping your child, not fixing your child.” – L.R. Knost

Texas Kidz Hope, Inc. is a 501 c 3 nonprofit organization that supports Kidz Safe Harbor, a residential treatment center fully dedicated to providing individualized care to children and teens with mental health disorders and/or behavioral issues.  Comprehensive treatment programs are provided by a multidisciplinary team of case managers, psychiatrists, child and youth workers, nutritionists, and other health professionals.

children smiling

Through your support, Texas Kidz Hope, Inc. provides services and activities above and beyond the status quo.  It is our goal to offer the children in our care much more than the minimum care and activities they may receive elsewhere. Some of the additional support we offer children include:

  • Clothing and Special Wear
    While every child at Texas Kidz Hope, Inc. will have fresh and clean clothes to wear every day, we try to go beyond the basics to offer children special clothing throughout the year such as a special coat or jacket or special sneakers for example.  We understand how clothes can change any person’s disposition no matter what age they may be.
  • Experiences and Activities
    Texas Kidz Hope, Inc., believes wholeheartedly that activities with peers and others are critical to a healthy life. We plan wholesome and exciting activities for our kids to participate in which include a Night at the Movies and dinner on Sundays and enrollment in team sports at the local public school.  There are activities for peers of the same age as well as mixed-aged activities so that kids can interact with other age groups as well.
  • Academic Achievement
    Texas Kidz Hope, Inc. children are enrolled in the local elementary, middle and high schools.  We encourage children to focus on academic achievement and offer tutors and assistance to help each student succeed.
  • Planning for the Future
    We want every child to have hope and plan for their future.  As much as possible, we help kids pursue their dreams and aspirations through individualized planning programs and goal setting.

A Respectful, Safe, Loving Environment
At Texas Kidz Hope, Inc., we treat every child with compassion and empathy.  We are proud to provide a respectful, safe and loving environment for troubled children, free of judgment.

Please contact us if you know of someone in need of our services.